Comments on: Exchange Server 2019 Gains Support for Modern Authentication Practical Office 365 News, Tips, and Tutorials Thu, 30 Nov 2023 17:05:37 +0000 hourly 1 By: <div class="apbct-real-user-wrapper"> <div class="apbct-real-user-author-name">Tony Redmond</div> <div class="apbct-real-user-badge" onmouseover=" let popup = document.getElementById('apbct_trp_comment_id_282536'); = 'inline-flex'; "> <div class="apbct-real-user-popup" id="apbct_trp_comment_id_282536"> <div class="apbct-real-user-title"> <p class="apbct-real-user-popup-header">The Real Person!</p> <p class="apbct-real-user-popup-text">Author <b>Tony Redmond</b> acts as a real person and passed all tests against spambots. Anti-Spam by CleanTalk.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> Thu, 30 Nov 2023 17:05:37 +0000 In reply to AWBINDY.

That’s the nature of software development now… Constant change.

By: AWBINDY Thu, 30 Nov 2023 14:43:53 +0000 They changed their article. The volume license version of Outlook 2021 now says unsupported. Classic Microsoft.

By: Peter Winston Thu, 08 Jun 2023 08:09:41 +0000 Thanks Tony for this article. I support many companies with email support. All these companies [note ALL not some] have a Hybrid model and use the full Office365 Outlook version installed on Windows 10 and 11 machines. So getting all this going is not in the hands of only the Exchange serve admin it seems, but several IT teams would be involved here. A pity that MS made modern auth on-prem so complex.

By: <div class="apbct-real-user-wrapper"> <div class="apbct-real-user-author-name">Tony Redmond</div> <div class="apbct-real-user-badge" onmouseover=" let popup = document.getElementById('apbct_trp_comment_id_264606'); = 'inline-flex'; "> <div class="apbct-real-user-popup" id="apbct_trp_comment_id_264606"> <div class="apbct-real-user-title"> <p class="apbct-real-user-popup-header">The Real Person!</p> <p class="apbct-real-user-popup-text">Author <b>Tony Redmond</b> acts as a real person and passed all tests against spambots. Anti-Spam by CleanTalk.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> Mon, 29 May 2023 14:40:05 +0000 In reply to Jesus.

As the article says, the only client supported by modern authentication is Outlook for Windows. Microsoft is working to support other clients using the method described here. Their announcement also says that OWA supports “claims-based authentication with ADFS, which is a form of modern authentication.”

By: Jesus Thu, 25 May 2023 19:48:41 +0000 What happens with OWA and EWS, can you integrate Modern Authentication?

By: Wolfgang Wed, 10 May 2023 16:26:27 +0000 Würden die Produkte etwas beheben und nicht immer leiden verursachen dann wurde man alles recht schnell patschen.
Jedesmal die Bange frage läuft noch alles und kann jeder noch einsteigen!

By: <div class="apbct-real-user-wrapper"> <div class="apbct-real-user-author-name">Tony Redmond</div> <div class="apbct-real-user-badge" onmouseover=" let popup = document.getElementById('apbct_trp_comment_id_261971'); = 'inline-flex'; "> <div class="apbct-real-user-popup" id="apbct_trp_comment_id_261971"> <div class="apbct-real-user-title"> <p class="apbct-real-user-popup-header">The Real Person!</p> <p class="apbct-real-user-popup-text">Author <b>Tony Redmond</b> acts as a real person and passed all tests against spambots. Anti-Spam by CleanTalk.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> Fri, 05 May 2023 08:45:40 +0000 In reply to Grant.

Historically, Exchange Server on-premises customers have not been terrific at upgrading servers or clients. If Microsoft said that they would provide a patch for (say) Outlook 2016, would customers upgrade? By using the subscription version, the patch is in the mainline builds and customers who use the subscription model will get it automatically. But the subscription version of Outlook is only the first client. Microsoft has already committed to delivering an update for the LTSC version and other platforms (Mac, mobile). As to Windows 11, I guess they want to move people to the latest desktop OS. I think they should have supported Windows 10 too, but I don’t get to vote.

By: Grant Thu, 04 May 2023 23:42:30 +0000 The need for windows 11 and a subscription version of office does not align with organizations running on prem exchange.
