Comments on: Migrating Azure AD Connect to a New Server Practical Office 365 News, Tips, and Tutorials Fri, 07 Jun 2024 07:49:49 +0000 hourly 1 By: notbatman Fri, 07 Jun 2024 07:49:49 +0000 In reply to James.

Had you transferred any FSMO roles held by the DC before demoting it ?? Could explain some issues without knowing more.

By: Prakash Wed, 05 Apr 2023 06:13:09 +0000 Hi,
In my organization Azure AD connect server deployed in AWS. Now we planned install new Azure AD Connect in local AD server. Is there any issues if new server went to live. Can any one share your thoughts

By: James Wed, 30 Nov 2022 09:26:56 +0000 Thank you for the detailed steps, still relevant. IT helped me perform the cutover from old server to new server with new AD connect. I have removed old AD connect from old server, then proceeded to demote the old Domain controller. Immediately Synchronization failed on the new AD connect. That is when I noticed the Synchronization service manager in the new Domain controller AD connect is using the old Domain controller for connection and this connection failed with server down after demotion. Now I managed to get it working again by promoting back the Domain controller temporarily. Dont know why this happened that the connection didn’t change to the new domain controller. Could you please advice on how I can change this connection manually to connect from the new Domain controller

By: Anonymous Man Mon, 05 Sep 2022 15:45:37 +0000 In reply to Alessandro Grano.

Thanks for this note, a very welcome update indeed. Does anyone know or have had first hand experience of using AADC Export utility with PTA (Pass-Through Authentication) already enabled on their old AADC server? (We already have PTA enabled with current AADC server as the main agent and two exclusive PTA agents).

MS doc for PTA installation suggests PTA agent could be installed on AADC either in primary or staging mode. But I am not sure if this preview export/import utility will handle that part of the AADC configuration.
(I’ve tested the JSON config export and reviewed the file, it does not seem to have anything in it about Authentication or Sign-in options)

By: Angel Wed, 31 Aug 2022 16:31:24 +0000 I’ve completed my swing migration from old server running 2008 R2 to new one running server 2022 and everything on this article went smooth with the exception of putting the old server on staging mode via configuration because I wasn’t able to log into it. The new server was configured in staging mode.

I then uninstalled the old server and successfully logged into the new server to disable staging mode. All synchronization rules are running fine, but I’m concerned about some rules showing (Stage Only).

Here is the order that they are running:
Local AD – Delta Import (Stage Only)
Azure AD – Delta Import (Stage Only)
Local AD – Delta Synchronization
Azure AD – Delta Synchronization
Azure AD – Export
Local AD – Export

Is this normal? If not, what do I need to do for Stage Only not to appear?

By: sebus Mon, 24 Jan 2022 15:48:41 +0000 AzureADConnect-

It does not give an option for staging mode during Express Install
It was a mess, as I did not untick Start the sync after…

It does have export/import settings, which I stupidly did not use (following the guide here)

Really all needs to be updated

By: ChappyChap Fri, 10 Sep 2021 03:44:13 +0000 In reply to MD.

C:\Program Files\Microsoft Azure AD Sync\MaData


By: ChappyChap Fri, 10 Sep 2021 02:38:12 +0000 In reply to MD.

Sadface, I had to run the config a couple of times as I got tripped up on a few details, now when I go to rename I get a “working directory already exists” error.

That will teach me for making a change on a Friday.

By: ChappyChap Fri, 10 Sep 2021 01:57:49 +0000 In reply to MD.

Oh my I love your face! Thank you MD, I thought I was in for a world of hurt and this resolved it.

I hope a random stranger gives you a high 5 today. (in a nice safe way because it’s 2021)

By: SB Wed, 18 Aug 2021 20:19:57 +0000 In reply to Greg Neumarke.

They now have export/import in the AAD Connect app (Preview)
