During setup of Exchange Server 2013 you may encounter the following error while preparing Active Directory or installing the first Exchange server in the forest.

If you are running setup on a Windows Server 2012 server the error is:
The following error was generated when “$error.Clear();
install-ExchangeSchema -LdapFileName ($roleInstallPath + “Setup\Data\”+$RoleSchemaPrefix + “schema0.ldf”)
” was run: “The system cannot find the file specified”.
On a Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 server the error is:
The Active Directory Schema is not up-to-date and Ldifde.exe is not install
ed on this computer. You must install Ldifde.exe by opening Windows Powershell,
running ‘Import-Module ServerManager’, then running ‘Add-WindowsFeature RSAT-ADD
S’. Alternately you can restart setup on a domain controller.
These errors occur because Exchange setup is attempting to use the LDIFDE.exe tool to update the Active Directory schema for Exchange Server 2013, and the tool is not installed by default on these operating systems.
The solution is to install the RSAT-ADDS components on the server.
For Windows Server 2008 R2 (SP1 or later), in PowerShell run:
Import-Module ServerManager Add-WindowsFeature RSAT-ADDS
For Windows Server 2012, in PowerShell run:
Install-WindowsFeature RSAT-ADDS
Re-run setup and the error should not occur this time.
This save my time,Thank you very much.
Works for Exch 2010 too
Thanks Grate support
this help me to the following error also
the system cannot find file specified error no 3221684226
Thank you! Burned ANOTHER hour on this problem following an issue with Hyper-V virtual switch, etc. Didn’t think I’d ever accomplish my EX2013SP1 install in VM for the first time. Prior to this was the insistence of NLA flopping all my network interfaces into Public, even for domain members. Crazytown…
still same issue hitting. replication also showing “there are no more endpoint available from endpoint mapper ” error.
please help.
Very clear and helpful (unlike all the of Exchange installation routine..)
Top man – you *are* the exchange resource on the Internet !
if you installed the tool and still get the same error: Check if all domaincontrollers have a clear replication state.
AD Sites and Services – > Sites -> “Your Site” -> Servers -> “Domaincontroller” -> NTDS Settings -> Site-Link -> All Tasks -> Replicate Now.
hope this will help. it took some hours to find out.
YAY!!!!! This was it!
This was very helpful. Had the exact same problem adn i was able to get past the error after applying this fix. Thank you!
You saved my time….. thanks you a lot MR 🙂
Thank you for the help 🙂
thank you for this helpful post
Just got me past that exact issues on a migration from SBS 2003 -> Server 2012 w/ Exchange 2010.