exchange-server-troubleshooting-companion-cover-sales-pageToday I’m pleased to announce the release of our new eBook, the Exchange Server Troubleshooting Companion.

Early in my career I received some good advice from a senior colleague of mine – when trouble strikes, the most valuable person in the room is the one who can also confidently tackle the unknown. Being an effective troubleshooter is more important than being a walking encyclopaedia of solutions to known issues.

Over 15 years later, that advice has proven itself time and time again. Working for support organizations and in consulting roles continually threw me into the unknown, facing previously unseen problems in unfamiliar customer environments. Applying an effective troubleshooting process and methodology, combined with product knowledge, got me through those situations and enabled me to solve the customer’s problem.

With the Exchange Server Troubleshooting Companion I firmly believe that we’ve written an eBook that will help you to solve problems faster, understand why the problem occurred, and learn how to prevent the same problems from occurring in the future.

Find out more here.

Thanks to my co-author Andrew for bringing his deep technical experience to this book, Tony Redmond for his editorial assistance, Jeff Guillet for his technical reviews, and to David Wedrat and Chris Brown for checking my work.

About the Author

Paul Cunningham

Paul is a former Microsoft MVP for Office Apps and Services. He works as a consultant, writer, and trainer specializing in Office 365 and Exchange Server. Paul no longer writes for


  1. uma

    hi i have set autoreply from outwebapp.
    internal user receiving autoreply.external user is not receiving when they send mail.
    from outlook side we enabled :send replies to all external sender

    Already from exchange server side allowed automatic replies and enabled allow external out of office
    using symantec message lab

  2. MSMS

    Is this book content still relevant for Exchange 2016? If so, how much of content is still relevant?

      1. MSMS

        Thank you Paul. I’ve been working on Exchange 2010 for years, but now I am switching jobs and new company uses Exchange 2016 exclusively. Book “homepage” at explicitly mentions Exchange 2013/2010/2007, without any mention of Exchange 2016, so I was kind of put off by that. I do agree about troubleshooting and similarity between Exchange 2013 and Exchange 2016 and now that you’ve reassured me, I will purchase this book immediately 🙂

        Best regards, MSMS

  3. belden

    Where about do I go to purchase this guys? Keen to have a look but cant find where I actually download and purchase?

  4. Alan Cox

    don’t use chrome to purchase. I used edge browser and it worked.

      1. John Hoye

        I can confirm chrome works fine for purchase, I purchased my copy through chrome.

  5. Alan Cox

    Bought but gateway error on checkout. Twice!
    Then invoiced twice and no download link.

  6. Paulo Alves

    Bought my copy! Let’s have fun!

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